Sahara Reporters Latest News Today Friday 8th May 2020

Sahara Reporters Latest News Today Friday 8th May 2020

Sahara Reporters Latest News Today and headlines on some of the happenings and news trend in the Country, today 08/05/20

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nigeria newspapers Friday 8th May 2020

BREAKING: Kano Discharges Health Commissioner, Prevention Task Force Co-chairman, 14 Other COVID-19 Patients

Sixteen patients receiving treatment for Coronavirus in Kano State have been discharged after recovering from the disease.
This brings the total number of discharged patients in the state to 22.
Mallam Muhammad Garba, Commissioner for Information in the state, made this known in a statement on Thursday. 

Garba said among those discharged were Prof Abdulrazak Garba Habeeb of the Department of Medicine, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Bayero University, who is also the Co-chair of the state’s Prevention Task Force on COVID-19, Dr Aminu Ibrahim Tsanyawa, the state’s Commissioner for Health among others.
The commissioner pointed out that all the patients have tested negative for the disease after the two follow up tests and have therefore reached full recovery.


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SaharaReporters, New York

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Borno Doctor Dies Of COVID-19

Late Mohammed Kumshe

A medical doctor has died of COVID-19-related complications at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital in Borno State.
The doctor, identified as Mohammed Kumshe, died on Thursday at the hospital’s isolation ward. 

Late Mohammed Kumshe

He was said to have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the state. 
According to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, Borno State presently has 116 confirmed cases of COVID-19. 





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SaharaReporters, New York

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Rivers Government To Auction Vehicles Impounded For Violating Lockdown Order, Calls On Public To Place Bids

The Rivers State Government has asked it’s Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice to auction all vehicles that were impounded for violating the state’s lockdown directive.Paulinus Nsirim, the state’s Commissioner for Information and Communications, in a statement on Thursday, said interested Nigerians should check selected Nigerian newspapers in order to place their bids.The statement reads, “Government will deal decisively with the residents of these areas if they are found to default again. 

“Anyone parading exemption letters except the one issued by the governor is doing so at his or her own risk as such permits are invalid.“The Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice has been directed to auction all vehicles that violated the lockdown order.“Members of the public who are interested to buy the auctioned vehicles are to watch out for details in The Sun, The Nation and Vanguard Newspapers.”



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SaharaReporters, New York

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Deconstructing The Malicious Falsehood Against Dr Aniekeme Uwah By Asteroid Bassey

Since the controversial removal of Dr Aniekeme Uwah as the Akwa Ibom State Epidemiologist, several lies have continuously been peddled by media hirelings of ‘powers that be’ to smear the character of the renowned and celebrated medical expert. Ordinarily , one would not bother about their mischief; but in an article titled ” COVID-19 testing and controversies in Akwa Ibom” published in some national dailies and online platforms  by Usman Yusuf ( obviously a fake name), the hireling struggled albeit unsuccessfully to paint a picture of Dr Aniekeme Uwah being removed for unethical practices.
As the Akwa Ibom NMA PRO stated on a Live radio interview, after the infamous redeployment, the reason for Dr Aniekeme Uwah’s removal as state Epidemiologist was his refusal to carry out the Commissioner for health’s bidding of testing  only 10 persons instead of 31 who had met the case definition .
To cover up the overwhelming public backlash that greeted the politicization of Dr Uwah’s removal, aides and hirelings of ‘powers that be’ have tried justifying the removal of the epidemiologist by first claiming he “banged the phone on the Governor ” to later changing the story, that the cerebral Doctor is responsible for the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the state amongst other fables. 

This only proves the truism , that ” to cover up one lie, many other lies will have to be told…” and desperately so if I may add.
 Some of the despicable falsehood peddled against  Dr Aniekeme Uwah include falsifying NCDC results.This assertion betrays the writer’s ignorance of the procedures for sample collection and test results. 
As the State Epidemiologist, it should be noted that Dr Uwah worked with an incident Management Committee (IMC) which included doctors and other Supervisory agencies like NCDC and the World Health Organization(WHO).
It is under the watchful eyes of these disciplined medical professionals, that samples which meet case definition are gotten and sent to laboratories in Edo State or Ebonyi State with adequate security escort. The results are instantly communicated  by the Laboratory to the NCDC headquarters and the state is copied.
One wonders how Dr Aniekeme Uwah had the powers to change negative results in these laboratories to positive and subsequently force or bribe 12 persons (as at when he was epidemiologist) who were predominantly medics to move into the Isolation Center for treatment. This thinking is not only absurd, but smirks of conspiracy by the writer and cohorts. 
Moreover, four new positive cases have been confirmed after he was redeployed as state Epidemiologist, did he still influence those results?
In another online defamatory write up by yet another faceless hireling Bassey Wils, it was alleged that the former Epidemiologist was angered that his proposal for purchase of laboratory equipment was rejected.
This is obviously far from the truth. The writer is obviously unaware of the workings of Government and the procedures for procurement in a ministry that has a Commissioner.   Even if the Epidemiologist would have recommended that the state had its own laboratory to stop incessant travels to other states for tests confirmations, it would best remain only a novel suggestion as the implementation of such ideas rest between the Commissioner for health and agencies of Government responsible for such procurement . 
The said fake Bassey Wils also blamed the former Epidemiologist for the embarrassment the state suffered during it’s infamous imbrioglio with NCDC over the 5 index cases..This is a case of selective amnesia suffered by Blackmailer hiding under the moniker of Bassey Wils. For the avoidance of doubt, It was the Commissioner for Health who held a world press conference to disagree with the results of the 5 index cases and NCDC procedures not Dr Aniekeme Uwah. This further goes to buttress the allegations against ” Powers” over their intentions to suppress testing to avoid a record of high positive results by the state as stated by the NMA PRO on radio. 
Further more, the fake Bassey Wills claimed Dr Aniekeme Uwah  went against NCDC guidelines which stated that only 10 samples should be sent in a day.  
For avoidance of doubt, it must be stated unequivocally that such guidelines does not exist.
On April 27, 2020 Dr Sani Aliyu, National Coordinator presidential task force ( PTF) on COVID-19 said on National TV and i quote ” I will like to emphasize that there is no limit to testing when it comes to COVID-19. Covid numbers is not an issue of competition between states. There is no shame if a state comes up with positive numbers. In other to deal with an epidemic, we need to have transparency in numbers and that transparency is linked to the number of tests. If you do not know the extent of the problem, you will not be able to deal with it. I am appealing to state governments to please continue helping the state emergency operating centers and state ministry of health to make sure that everybody that needs to be tested has the opportunity to get the test done ” . 
One would expect that after such affirmative words by the PTF on no ceilings for tests , Fake Bassey Wils and his gang of liars will bury their heads in shame. 
It shouldn’t be taken for granted that the suspected case confirmed positive from the 31 would have been missed if Dr Aniekeme Uwah had carried out the Commissioner ‘s directive to take only 10samples.  This most likely would have led to more spread of the pandemic in the state if that suspected case was not tested or would have made the health of the patient worse if not timely diagnosed. 
Apart from this,  a large number of Doctors who were exposed to COVID-19 had been out of work for up to a month on self isolation because they had not been tested, thus leading to loss of man hours and critical essential services, and inadvertently leading to denial of life – saving services by these experts to those who needed their expertise. 
The fact that Dr Aniekeme Uwah insisted on these Doctors getting tested as part of the 31 , helped seventeen out of the eighteen of them whose results came out negative return to work at the University of Uyo teaching Hospital almost immediately. 
Dr Aniekeme Uwah should be commended for such clinical dexterity.  This tests are conducted free of charge by NCDC, so why the fuss of testing a large number? Why the insistence of testing a smaller number when everyone that met case definition at the time could be tested at once to save time and ensure clinical efficacy? 
The state loses nothing by testing more as tests are free of charge. Instead, the more agressive it gets with testing, the clearer the picture of viral penetration. That is pure Epidemiology! 
In the words of Dr Emmanuel John, the NMA PRO on radio, ” testing is a clinical decision. And no doctor should have recourse to a political mastermind before taking such decisions”
Another allegation by Bassey Wils bothering a late surgeon need not be dignified for the respect of the dead and family. But it must be noted that the allegations remain false and spurious, tailored only the damage reputation of Dr Aniekeme Uwah. fortunately for every discerning mind, Bassey Wil’s campaign of calumny has largely been mischievous, comic at it’s best and utterly balderdash.
Fake Bassey Wil’s nonsensical allegation of having evidence of text messages between Dr Aniekeme Uwah and “middle men” is not only absurd and baseless but further attempts to ‘give a dog a bad name in order to hang it’. Such text messages remain only in the conjecture of his imagination. If there is any iota of truth, I challenge fake Bassey Wils to produce such evidences in court or forever bury his head in the pit of hell.
Lastly Fake Bassey Wils, a leader of the blackmail syndicate alleged that Dr Aniekeme Uwah put the state in bad light during a National Survey that ranked the state as leading in the number of persons living with HIV/AIDs in the country.  He doesn’t realize that his particular allegation, provides more evidence as to the unquenching thirst for suppressing data and statistics by those in authority.
The fact remains that after the result of the HIV/AIDs National and Impact survey was published in Abuja by Federal Ministry Of Health, Dr Aniekeme Uwah moved by passion and love for his people, sensitized the public on the dangers of HIV/ AIDs and how infection can be reduced.
 He admonished on Abstainance, faithfulness to sexual partners, usage condoms and usage of anti-retroviral drugs to suppress the viral load  thereby hindering further transmission. 
In saner climes, Such patriotic zeal, would  been encouraged ; as truly there is need for sensitization of the masses whose majority especially in rural areas are still in illusion about HIV/AIDs.
 Instead of commending Dr Uwah for putting in time and personal resources to educate the masses, the “powers that be” sternly condemned Dr Aniekeme Uwah  for educating the masses about HIV/AIDs and claimed he put state in bad light. He was queried! What a sad irony!
One would ask, what is the gain of the state if it hides the figures of the HIV/AIDs prevalence from the masses? What is the intention of hiding the result of  the national survey? To record more infections due to ignorance of the populace? It has been a long walk to trampling on truth, honesty and dedication to duty.
In the court of public opinion, Dr Aniekeme Uwah has acquitted himself as a professional of unparalleled integrity.
A courageous medical doctor whose commitment to the service of humanity is common to none. 
Dr Uwah is loyal to the Hippocratic oath and will remain resolute in advocating for better health care delivery to the people.
 His award of Honor by the African Union for dedicating Six months of his life to Liberia in the fight of Ebola remains indelible.
He was also honoured as the most outstanding NMA state chairman by the National President and National Officers Committee of the NMA during his tenure as Chairman. 
His exploits as NMA Chairman include building the first Doctors Mess in Nigeria, The first NMA Clinic in Nigeria, Doctors Court as well as numerous free Surgical outreach accross the state. 
It is worthy of note that during his tenure as NMA Chairman, he pushed for the establishment of the State Primary Health Care Development Agency and State Insurance Scheme.
In the past two years, Dr Aniekeme Uwah was the chairman Planning Committee of National Physicians Week in Rivers State and Ondo State as well as the chairman Planning committee of the National Executive Council meeting of the Association in Akwa Ibom State. This is a testament to his Sterling leadership qualities which has earned him the trust of his colleagues Nationwide. 
As State Epidemiologist,  Dr Aniekeme Uwah’s achievements are enormous but to mention
1. Partnering with WHO to donate motorcycles to all the 31 Disease Surveillance Officers (DSNOs) in the 31 LGAs in the state to enhance their mobility.
2. Training of the 31DSNOs and other Health workers on frontline field epidemiology in partnership with AFENET.
3. Donation of Lap top computers and android phones to all the 31DSNOs to enhance their disease surveillance activities etc
Recently , Dr Aniekeme Uwah was appointed Secretary of the Common Wealth Medical Association’s Committee on Covid-19 response. The Common Wealth Comprises of 54 countries accross all continents. Only Men of proven track record get such International appointments. 
These and more are some of Dr Aniekeme Uwah’s legacies that his blackmailers cannot wish away.
No greater testimonial would Dr Uwah wish  for in times like this, than that of The DG of NCDC,  Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu who while responding to the redeployment saga on national TV said “The state Epidemiologist, Dr Aniekeme Uwah is a great colleague who did his work creditably. He is one of my great colleagues .. we worked on Ebola outbreak together. I wish him well in his new assignment”.
I understand that Dr Uwah’s traducers and their media hirelings are intimidated by his towering profile. I would rather implore them to work hard on improving their miserable lives rather than constantly attempt to defame and disparage a man whose track record is way beyond their reach. It will remain a mere waste of time! 
It is worthy of note, that Dr Aniekeme Uwah’s removal as state Epidemiologist to suppress Covid 19 test results has already made him a hero, a professional of no mean repute in the court of public opinion and no volume of blackmail can change that narrative!
– Asteroid Bassey writes in from Uyo.



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Asteroid Bassey

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Plateau Discharges Index Coronavirus Case

The Plateau State Government has discharged the state’s index case of Coronavirus from one of its isolation centres at Jos University Teaching Hospital after she made a full recovery.Nathan Shehu, Consultant Physician, Infectious Disease, at JUTH, confirmed the recovery, saying she was fit to reintegrate into society.He said, “The patient has recovered and is fit to reintegrate into the community. She no longer poses a risk. 

“The patient came asymptomatic; after treatment, her samples were taken and they all are negative, so she is discharged and can go home.“The advice we will give her is the same we will give those in the community. She should maintain social distance, respiratory and cough etiquette and hand hygiene.”The consultant, who was involved in managing the patient, urged the public not to stigmatise those treated and discharged.




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Saharareporters, New York

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How Serving And Retired Nigerian Judges Illegally Inserted Names Of Their Children, Relatives In List Of Judges To Be Appointed Into Judiciary

A document seen by SaharaReporters has exposed how serving and retired Nigerian judges are illegally preparing ways for their children and relatives to take over the country’s judicial system in future.
According to the document put together by Open Bar Initiative, out of the 33 names recently recommended to President Muhammadu Buhari by the National Judiciary Council for appointment as judges in the Federal Capital Territory High Court, only 11 met the criteria set out in the employment guideline of the council.
The NJC had on April 26, 2020 approved the appointment of 33 judges for the FCT High Court.
SaharaReporters gathered that 22 out of the 33 candidates presented to President Buhari made the list only because they were related to serving senior members of the judiciary or close aides and members of the NJC. 

Also, states that already have judges in the FCT High Court were reconsidered and given slots while no one was considered qualified for appointment in Ebonyi, a state that has no existing judge.
Section 255 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), pegged qualification for becoming a judge in the High Court of the FCT to a minimum of 10 years qualification as a legal practitioner. 
Also Rule 4 of the NJC appointment of judges’ procedure, indicated only four classes of lawyers, who are qualified to apply and be recommended to be appointed as judges of a high court.
These are legal practitioners in private practice, legal practitioners in public service, who are legal officers, chief registrar of a court, and chief magistrates.
Those listed in the document seen by SaharaReporters among the 33 nominees to be considered as judges by President Buhari but, who are not qualified include Njideka K. Nwosu-Iheme, a Grade 1 Magistrate, who is the daughter of Justice Mary Odili of the Supreme Court and daughter-in-law to Justice Nwosu-Iheme of the Court of Appeal, Agashieze Cyprian Odinaka, a Deputy Director at FCTA whose sister is the Presiding Justice, Court of Appeal in Akure, Ondo State, Fatima Abubakar Aliyu, a judiciary worker, who is the daughter of immediate-past President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Bulkachuwa, Kanyip Rosemary Indinya, a senior magistrate at FCT and wife of the President of the National Industrial Court and sister of a member of the National Judicial Council.
Others are Mimi Anne Katsina Alu-Apena, a senior magistrate and daughter of late Kastina Alu, former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Enenche Eleojo, Assistant Director at FCT High Court and Personal Assistant to the Chief Judge, FCT High Court, Madugu Mohammed Alhaji, Josephine Obanor Enobie, Kayode Agunloye, Nwabulu Ngozika Chineze and Abubakar Babashani, who are senior staff of the FCT High Court but have not attained the rank of chief registrar as stipulated by the constitution.
The list also includes one one Aliyu Halilu Ahmed, a Deputy Chief Registrar from Adamawa State judiciary, who has not attained the rank of a chief registrar.
The rest are Aminu Muhammad Abdullahi, Nwecheonwu Chinyere Elewe, Ibrahim Mohammed, Sadia Mu’azu Mayana, Aliyu Yunusa Shafa, Mohammed Zubairu, Binta Dogonyaro, Christopher Opeyemi Oba and Hafsat Lawan Abba-Aliyu, all magistrates from the FCT judiciary, who are not up to the rank of a chief magistrate as stipulated in Rule 4 of the NJC appointment of judges procedure.
SaharaReporters also gathered that one Olufola Olufolashade Oshin did not participate in the processes leading up to selection, interview or obtaining recommendation from a Chief Judge of a state but her name was inserted into the final list transmitted to President Buhari at the instigation of some senior judicial officers believed to be top members of the Supreme Court.
Reacting to the development, Open Bar Initiative said, “The suggestion that judicial service in Nigeria is an inheritance transmitted from parents to children is not supported by the constitution or any other instrument under Nigerian law. 
“This is an abuse of the constitution by those who must nominate judges for appointment.”
Co-convener of Open Bar Initiative and former Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission in Nigeria, Prof Chidi Odinkalu, while reacting to the situation, said, “These are not just unqualified nominees, they are bad nominees because only bad people will want to become judges through smuggling. They will make bad judges, we should resist them and their sponsors.”
Voicing his displeasure on Twitter, a user with the handle @AbdulMahmud01, said, “Have you seen the list of newly appointed FCT judges approved by NJC? It is a parade of children of former CJN, retired Supreme Court justices and judges. NJC is simply put: a corrupt council of corrupt interests.”
Another user, @KennyAdazie, while sharing her thoughts on the issue, said, “The only people that can take back Nigeria are the youth. 
“If we don’t come out to stop this madness, the charade will continue. When they strategically place their own, they pave way for #impunities and come 2023, there is nothing you can do! The reason our legal system is in ruins.”






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Saharareporters, New York

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BREAKING: Lagos Discharges 48 More COVID-19 Patients

The Lagos State Government has discharged 48 more COVID-19 patients from its isolation centres.
Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu disclosed this via his official Twitter handle on Thursday.
This brings the total recovery case in the state to 406. 

The governor said the patients, who were all Nigerians, include 32 males and 16 females.
He said, “The patients, 28 from the Mainland Infectious Disease Hospital, Yaba, six from Lekki, one from Onikan and 13 from LUTH Isolation Centre, were discharged having fully recovered and tested negative to #COVID19 in two consecutive readings.”


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Saharareporters, New York

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COVID-19: Abuja Commercial Transport Operators Ignore Guidelines On Number Of Passengers To Carry, Say “We’re Not Running Charity”

Commercial transport operators in the Federal Capital Territory have continued to carry passengers beyond the recommended number and flouting the social distancing rule put in place to stop the spread of Coronavirus in the country.
Some of the drivers described the guidelines mandating them to carry only three passengers as unrealistic, noting that they would run into financial loss as they were not running charity organisations. 
Checks within and outside the city revealed that motorists have been violating the guidelines, thereby raising the risk of the virus spreading further in the city. 

The FCT so far has 316 confirmed cases of Coronavirus and four recorded deaths. 
Many of the city’s taxi drivers have continued to carry six persons instead of 3 persons as stipulated in the guideline.
Tricycle riders in the city were allowed to carry two passengers but they have taken advantage of the ban on commercial motorcycles in satellite towns and now carrying four passengers.
Though there is a minimum compliance among the big capacity buses popular called El-Rufai, it was observed.
Some of the drivers complained about the financial loss they have incurred while the lockdown was in force and needed to recover.
According to them, the safety guideline will not work because they were incurring more expenses by the day and need to make some extra money to cover up for that.
A tricycle rider, Yahaya Abdullahi, who spoke with our correspondent, said “It is impossible for me to carry three passengers in this situation.
“How will I buy fuel if I do that? It means I need to borrow money to buy fuel. That is shortage, I am not running a charity organisation.”
Security agents drafted to enforce compliance of the guidelines paid little or no attention to erring motorists our correspondent observed while moving across different parts of the city on Thursday.
Some of civil servants, who own cars were not left out in the frenzy as they picked up passengers indiscriminately at different bus stops without hindrance. 
Many residents sighted at various bus stops were not also wearing face masks, thereby increasing the risk of exposing themselves and others to the deadly virus.
Despite the interception of vehicles with passengers coming into the city by the FCT Enforcement Team, hundreds of persons are still finding their ways into Abuja.





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Saharareporters, New York

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E2%80%93governor-akeredolu COVID-19: Violators Of Face Mask Use To Be Quarantined For 14 Days –Governor Akeredolu

Governor Rotimi Akeredolu

Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo has said that anyone caught not using a face mask especially in public would be arrested.
He made the disclosure on Thursday in Akure, the state capital, while receiving the first round of locally made face masks to be distributed to residents. 
Akeredolu added that residents, who failed to use the item in the state, would be kept in an isolation centre for 14 days to serve as deterrent to others.

Governor Rotimi Akeredolu

According to him, the blood samples of such violators will also be collected for testing for Coronavirus.
Ondo has recorded 13 cases of the virus so far out of which six persons, who made recoveries have been discharged.
Meanwhile, the police in the state have promised to go tough in enforcing the 8:00pm curfew imposed by President Muhammadu Buhari to prevent the spread of the virus. 
Commissioner of Police in the state, Undie Adie, said the police ensure strict compliance with the order.
He said those sneaking into the state by hiding inside trucks carrying food items or essential commodities should prepare to face the wrath of the law if caught.




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Saharareporters, New York

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Nigerian Lady Trafficked To Oman For Domestic Work And Enslaved, Sexually Harassed By Boss Found, Set To Return To Nigeria


A Nigerian lady named Adetomisin, who cried out for help from Oman, where she was trafficked to for domestic work and was being enslaved and sexually harassed by her boss, has been found and set to be flown back to Nigeria.
According to Omotola Fawunmi, co-founder of Returning Africans in Slavery (Project Ferry), the lady has been found in a tiny city, which is six hours away from Oman’s capital, Muscat.
She said, “We saw her video online weeks ago and decided to investigate as with many others that we put up for help on our end. 
“From the video we learnt she was in Oman and her story was compelling, clearly a case of fraudulent recruitment.


“We reached out to our network of associates who found us an on-ground Omani contact. The contact called the number she mentioned in her video and gathered that she was desperately desiring to escape.
“She is not home yet because she is 6 hours outside Muscat where our Oman contact lives. We are hoping once the lockdown ends, we would be able to get her back home.”
Adetomisin had cried out for help in a viral video, lamenting her ordeal in the hands of Nigerian agents and Oman natives where she was being enslaved and overworked with no pay.
The lady in the video said, “My agent told me he would help me secure a job in the United States to work, everything changed and we found ourselves in Oman, myself and another lady.” 
According to her, they were picked up two people at the airport, who took them to an office and stripped them of all valuables including their passports and mobile phones.
She added, “We were taken to where would work. Where I was working, the boss threatens and frustrate me because he wants to sleep with me and I refused.”
She stopped working after four months of not being paid with the boss’ consistent threat to kill her because he wanted to sleep with her.

Video of Nigerian Lady Trafficked To Oman Cries Out For Help After Being Enslaved, Sexually Harassed By Boss

Nigerian Lady Trafficked To Oman Cries Out For Help After Being Enslaved, Sexually Harassed By Boss

Nigerian Lady Trafficked To Oman Cries Out For Help After Being Enslaved, Sexually Harassed By Boss

According to Fawunmi, “This is the fate of a lot of young girls in Nigeria. There is usually a Nigerian agent and a destination country agent. Both pose as recruiting or travel agencies.
“The Nigeria agent sources the girls with a promise of jobs in a foreign country, you hear things like ‘he told me I would work in an office’.
“The office is in fact the destination countries agents’ office who is just a receiver and logistics coordinator to receive the girls for onward sales to a predetermined buyer who has paid $5000-$10000 for a girl to serve as his domestic slave.
“The girl is unaware she is being sold. She arrives the destination country supposedly to work but is then handed over to a master she is not aware of. Often this master pays $150-200/month and a percentage of this is demanded by the Nigerian agents.”
RAIS has been involved in the rescue of these girls since 2019 and in partnership with government institutions like the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and the Diaspora Commission, have helped 51 girls return to Nigeria from Oman, Lebanon and Cote d’Ivoire.
According to her, they have helped 25 girls escape slave masters in Lebanon. “They are currently in our care till borders open again,” she said, “once borders open we can negotiate their safe return.”

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Sahara Reporters

Nigerian Lady Trafficked To Oman For Domestic Work Cries Out For Help After Being Enslaved, Sexually Harassed By Boss


4 Days Ago

“We have over 100 still with Slave Masters in Lebanon, over 150 in Oman and 300 in Cotedivoire and our team remain committed despite the daunting task. We all work remotely in different parts of the world because one of our teammates was killed in January while tracking a Nigerian agent” she disclosed.




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SaharaReporters, New York

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