Breaking News in Nigeria Today : Sunday 1st October 2023

Breaking News in Nigeria Today Sunday 1st October 2023

Here are some of the Breaking News in Nigeria Today Sunday 1st October 2023 on some of the nation newspapers .

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Nigeria News Today Sunday 1st October 2023

Phyna Exposes More About Her Family

Following the news making the rounds about BBNiaja Season 7 winner, Phyna ghosting her family after she won the reality TV show in 2022, the reality star has taken to her social media page to drag her family. New Telegraph had earlier reported that Phyna’s father, Mr Otabor in a recent interview revealed how he…
New Telegraph.

Take Your Fashion to Another Level Like Adekunle Gold

Afro pop music star and songwriter, Adekunle Gold, is said to have been firing some stylish shots lately by a popular fashion blog and we agree. Within seven years of Adekunle Gold’s debut in the music world, he has navigated through various interesting style adventure. In the beginning of his music career, his sense of…
New Telegraph.

7 Benefits of Visiting Beauty Spa By Spedy Weightloss Boss

Beauty entreprenuer and CEO of Spedy Weightloss, Amdalat Suleiman, is a woman, who has turned her struggle, life experience into a thriving business that helps others. In a chat with Sunday Telegraph, the trained beauty expert, who has built her business into a celebrity-favourite health and wellness brand in Nigeria, explained that she drew strength…
New Telegraph.

Nigeria@63: Entertainers, Entrepreneurs Keep Hope Alive

At a time when the struggle to survive for the common man is hitting the roof, hope they say is the only thing a man must not lose, lest he will be said to have given up before giving a fight. IFEOMA ONONYE chatted with a few known entrepreneurs and entertainers to find out if…
New Telegraph.

Leah Sharibu: A Young Girl’s Sad Tales Goes On

Leah Sharibu, one of the 110 female students of the Government Girls’ Science and Technical College, Dapchi, Yobe State that was abducted years ago is in the news once again. This time, the reports are making it seem the girl has settled for the life in captivity and is in control of situations as it…
New Telegraph.

Nigeria Still at Crossroads, 63 Years After Independence –Nwodo

Former Governor of Enugu State and former National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo in this interview with KENNETH OFOMA, speaks about Nigeria’s 63rd independence, the security and economic challenges in the South East and other matters What’s your take on Nigeria’s 63rd independence and the state of the nation as…
New Telegraph.

Nigeria Learnt Nothing From Civil War –Adesola Macaulay

Prince Adesola Macauley, an octogenarian, is a journalist who reported on the Nigerian Civil War, and at one time the Public Relations Manager of the defunct National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). His last public office was about 30 years ago when he served as Commissioner for Information in Lagos State, under military Governor Raji Rasaki….
New Telegraph.

Douye Diri: Changing Bayelsa Landscape

For nearly four years, since the dramatic twist that brought in Douye Diri to office as Governor of Bayelsa State on 14 February 2020, much attention has focused on the former senator representing Bayelsa Central Senatorial District. The reason is not far- fetched: after successive governments in the State from 1999 have lived below expectation…
New Telegraph.

Nigeria’s Problem Is Bad Governance, Says Akume

Senator George Akume, Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) speaks on Nigeria’s preparation for her 63rd independence anniversary, and efforts by the present administration to fix the nation’s challenges, as ONYEKACHI EZE reports. You have been a governor, a senator of the Federal Republic, a minister and now Secretary to the Government of…
New Telegraph.

UniZIK VC: University Alumni, Major Source of Fund for Institutions

Why Some Lecturers’ll Be Sacked for Sexual Harassments As the tenure of the Vice Chancellor of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University(UniZik) Prof Okechukwu Esimone, comes to an end, he speaks with OKEY MADUFORO on the issue of who becomes his successor and the challenges confronting University Education in Nigeria Your tenure is coming to an end…
New Telegraph.

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