Sahara Reporters Latest News Tuesday 7th May 2019

Sahara Reporters Latest News Tuesday 7th May 2019

Sahara Reporters Latest News Today and headlines on some of the happenings and news trend in the Country, today 07/05/19

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Leadership Newspapers News Today Tuesday 7th May 2019

target=_blank>Decomposing Corpse Of Unidentified Man Dumped At Delta Broadcasting Service In Asaba

The decomposing body of an unidentified middle aged man dumped by unknown persons was on Friday morning found inside the mulit-billion-naira drainage at the premises of the Delta State Broadcasting Service (DBS), Asaba, in the state capital.
When SaharaReporters visited the scene of the incident, the decomposing corpse was still floating in the pool of stagnant drainage water right inside the broadcasting facility, while staff members of the station who reported for duty that morning blamed the state government over its inability to complete the project, fence the station premises and provide security that will prevent such dumping of corpses in the premises.
“The victim may have been robbed and killed by armed robbers and his body dumped in the uncompleted DBS premises. Security wise, our premises is so porous, making it possible for the dumping of all manners of things. Its a big disgrace that Governor Ifeanyi Okowa is not bothered about the dilapidation of the state-owned media house,” a member of staff told SaharaReporters.
“Just take a look at the open drains filled with stagnant water and other debris dumped here, making the whole environment unfit for human habitation. For over eight months now, the DBS fence that was destroyed during the construction of the drainage still remains unattended to. Meanwhile, the millions of naira compensation that was paid to the station by the construction company was hijacked by Patrick Ukah, the COmmissioner for Information, and diverted to his private pocket.
“We saw bruises on the dead body while his tongue stuck out. The water here is stagnant and there is no way the corpse may have floated from across the other drains across the road because for the past few days there has not be any drop of rain that could make anyone to suspect that the corpse may have floated from somewhere else. The corpse was discovered by one of us here and immediately we alerted the Police and environmental workers who came.”
The corpse was evacuated by environmental and health workers from the state ministries of environment and health, accompanied by policemen.




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SaharaReporters, New York

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target=_blank>Loss Of Lives On Nigerian Highways And The Failure Of FRSC By Padio Phineas

Transport and road safety in Nigeria, will in the foreseeable future remain elusive.
What is worrisome is how loss of lives and valuable goods are on the rise, due to crass neglect of duty.
Data obtained from Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) website show that road crashes involving articulated vehicles alone, recorded 46,690 casualties with 11,146 fatalities from 2007 to 2017. 
This is because the laws regulating the transport sector and road safety have been defied with impunity.
In Nigeria, it is easy to assume that the road transport sector, among other land base logistics services, is not regulated.
This argument is premised on how operators and more often commuters in the sector, violate the rules with impunity.
More so, that land based commercial transportation system in Nigeria, is to a considerable extent, a poor man’s headache.
In saner climes, vehicles designated for purposes other than public transport, operate within bounds. As the law enforcement component is functional.
On the contrary, vehicles clearly marked “Goods only”, are a common feature on Nigerian highways, conveying passengers from one destination to the other.
In many instances, operators of such articulated vehicles are not conversant with highway codes and other elementary rudiments of their trade.
To them, it is normal to load their trucks with goods above capacity; and afterwards add passengers on top of the ware. 
A Ready case is the trailer overloaded with goods and people in this report as captured by our Correspondent along Abuja – Kaduna road recently.
Looking at the picture, the pertinent question to ask is what happens, if the vehicle tumbles, it would be unthinkable to imaging the fate of the passengers on top of the truck.
What is disgusting though, is how authorities concerned have continued to condone the practice, ignoring its dangerous consequences on lives and property.
More disgusting is how public funds are being expanded through budgetary allocation annually on road safety without commemorate results.
Therefore, it is the candid view of stakeholders that high casualties from avoidable road crashes in the 21st century Nigeria, is simply unacceptable.
That is why the FRSC and other agencies of government, saddled with the responsibly of mitigating road crashes must sit up and ensure that safety rules as obtained in the air and other transport sectors are respected and obeyed by operators and commuters alike.



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Padio Phineas

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E2%80%94-sister-jealous-lovers-ex-girlfriend-recalls-how-entire-family-was-set target=_blank>‘My Life Is Ruined’ — Sister Of Jealous Lover’s Ex-Girlfriend Recalls How The Entire Family Was Set Ablaze

Jumoke Sanumi, the elder sister of the lady whose family of nine was set ablaze by her ex-boyfriend Deji Adenuga in Ondo State, has called for justice.
After disagreeing with his then girlfriend Titi Sunmonu, the middle-aged Adenuga brought a jerrycan laden with petroleum in the midnight of April 23, gained entrance into the building by breaking a window, and sprayed the family while they were asleep.
He later explained that he had invested heavily in her, and that she aborted the four-month-old pregnancy she had for him while they were dating.
Speaking in Igbokoda, the headquarters of Ilaje Local Government Areas of Ondo state, where she is recuperating in a house belonging to her relatives, at the weekend, Jumoke lamented that the arson had turned her to a widow and rendered her homeless, with the attedant loss of her six children.
She revealed that since the tragedy occurred to her family, life has been very difficult for her, with no help or assistance from anyone.
SaharaReporters learned that both Jumoke and Titi, who are the main targets of the arson attack, were the only survivors of the attack. Jumoke had escaped with some minor injuries, while Titi had first-egree burns from the incident and is currently battling to hold on to life at the Intensive Healthcare Unit Of the Ondo State Trauma Centre.
Recaling how the incident occurred, Jumoke said Adenuga invaded their home around 2am to set their house on fire.
“The incident happened in the midnight around 2am. I suddenly heard a sound at the back of the door and before I could wake up, he had poured petrol into the room and put fire,” she said, breaking down in tears.
“When he poured the petrol, I quickly ran to open the door for my sister whose head was already on fire. I pulled the mats on which the children were sleeping and they rolled to the door. I started throwing out the children. It was in the process that I was affected by the fire. I lost all my six children, my husband and one of my junior sister’s children.
“I need justice in this matter. The man must not be allowed to go away with what he has done to ruin my life. I beg you, don’t let me die. I don’t have money to take care of my self. Try and assist me. I am in serious pains.”
The 35-year-old, who is into petty trading, denied ever collecting money from Adenuga, saying she knew little about the friendship. 
“It is still a mystery to me,” she said.
“My sister came to me and she didn’t tell me anything about her disagreement with the man.  She slept in my house and the man came to pour petrol on us. That was the first day my sister would sleep in my house. She always came over but she would leave the same day. 
“It is true she was befriending the man. I was not aware of the money he said he gave to my sister. He told lies against me. I didn’t go to their house. I was not aware they had any disagreement. My sister didn’t tell me about it. She just came to my house. My sister didn’t bring her things to my house. 
“I had gone to sleep by the time my sister came. I always came back from the market late in the evening and tired. We used two rooms in the house. My children were still playing when I slept. They were the ones who usually locked the doors.”
Oba John Ebunola Ayeku, traditional ruler of Igbodigo kingdom, where the incident occurred, expressed great sadness at the death of the family members.
He wondered why someone could wake up and decide to terminate the lives of a whole family because of a lady. 
“I don’t know him. I have never met him as we are speaking. What they came to tell me here is that Adenuga and his girlfriend had a disagreement,” the monarch said.
“She left the house of Adenuga for her sister’s house. We heard that the man went to buy petrol and wet the room where his girlfriend and other members of her family were sleeping. He set the house ablaze and ran away. As of now, eight people have died as a result of the incident. 
“It is a sad development. When we received the report, the family of the deceased came to me as the king of the town. The community made efforts to ensure that the man was arrested so that the problem would not be compounded. We met twice on the issue. 
“Members of our community were worried. The Police made efforts. We also made efforts. The incident put the family in trouble and we are not happy about it. We have appeased the family of the deceased. They have come to me here. Erinje, the community where the man comes from, does not have a monarch. It only has Regent. I have spoken to the leaders of the community to find ways of appeasing the family of the deceased so that there will be peace.”
Adenuga has been arraigned before a Magistrate Court in Akure and his case has been adjourned till June 10 for proper hearing.




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SaharaReporters, New York

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target=_blank>A Revolution Is Coming Soon, It Will Rise From The North By Ettu Mohammed

For decades the SAME group of individuals have presided over Nigeria. They allotted oil wells to themselves and their cronies, connived with their counterparts from other regions to loot money from crude oil sales for the last 5 decades.
Despite all the billions of dollars they cornered for themselves and their cronies, they couldn’t build a single state of the art hospital, or provide water, or build a school or invest in their people.
They were okay looting every penny. They left their region with the highest out of school kids on Earth and probably the most impoverished people on earth too.
The easiest person to manipulate is someone without any form of education. They know this but they decide to look away.
They are building up Dubai for the Emirata, buying luxurious home in Europe and North America, Building Refineries abroad instead of situating same in their region.
Billion of dollars owned by our country is sitting idle in some safe in Europe and America the little they returned from the Abacha era is being re-looted via various ponzi schemes.
Guess what? The chickens have come home to roost! The schools they didn’t build have created Boko Haram, Terrorist Herdsmen, Bandits etc and they have now added Chronic Kidnapping to the legion of madness culminating. It is now all centred around the North and this is not meant to happen in a region that has produced at least 10 heads of government.
An entire region is now under seige because some people somewhere decided not to do the needful. They just could not be bothered. That is why most Northern governors now prefer to live in Abuja away from their unsafe states.
The kids they have refused to educate are now tormenting the entire region to to the extent that we are now spending billion of borrowed dollars to fight the menace and rebuild after every destruction. Only for it all to be destroyed again.
A region which was once a delight to visit is now like a ghost town with everyone on guard all because some people decided not to do the needful.
If these deranged demon birthed by the madness of the looting class are the only ones affected by the activities of these demons, I won’t be bothered one bit. But innocent citizens who were not part of the whole planning are now being killed like chickens.
If a revolution will be started in Nigeria today. It will be from the North and it will be red all through.
God help Nigeria.



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Ettu Mohammed

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target=_blank>Sharia Police Arrest Of Citizens Publicly Eating At Ramadan Is Illegal And Unconstitutional By Festus Ogun

As if the daily cases of lawlessness is not enough in this country, the Sharia Police has said it will arrest people caught eating in public as Ramadan beings on Monday. Apart from being an illegal, insensitive and unconstitutional directive, it is an open invitation to a perilous religious crisis in the country.
Under the 1999 Constitution, every citizen of Nigeria, by virtue of Section 38, has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. And Section 10 states that there shall be prohibition of state religion.
In effect, no law, order or directive can compel anyone to carry out the tenets of a particular religion or in this case to abstain from eating in public or private during Ramadan. Why then should Kano Hisbah impose on the people the indirect obligation to observe fasting when state religion is forbidden? Is that not foisting the Islamic religion on the people?
Whether you observe your religious practices or not is not the immediate concern of our Constitution. The law recognizes religion as personal and as such left it to be practiced solely on that basis — of discretion and volition.All citizens have the right to practice any religion and change such a religion at any time without the interference or  consent of any person or authority.  If our law provides for all these, therefore, the plan to arrest people eating in public during Ramadan is a gross constitutional infraction. It is a legal taboo to (indirectly) compel all Kano dwellers to observe the Muslim fasting without even making consideration of other persons who may hold different religious views. 
As it is the truth that Islam is not the only religion in Kano. What if the person sought to be arrested for eating in public is an atheist, Christian or one without any religious belief?  
In fact, even if a Muslim who decides not to observe the fasting eats publicly, there is no legal basis to make arrest of such a citizen. 
Eating during Ramadan whether in public or private, either by a Muslim or someone from any other religion, is not a crime or wrong under any law in Nigeria and as such cannot warrant arrest or conviction. Even if such law exist, it will be unable to withstand the test of Constitutional validity as any other law that contravenes the provisions of the Constitution stands void and ineffective (Section 1(3) of the Constitution). 
Religion is and should be personal and the exercise must be guaranteed and protected.
Instructively, the Hisbah or Sharia Police is an aberration under the 1999 Constitution. State policing is alien to our jurisprudence. The only rightful policing body in the country is the Nigerian Police Force, to the exclusion of all others. Thus, Section 214 (1) of the 1999 Constitution provides that “there shall be a police force for Nigeria, which shall be known as the Nigeria Police Force, and subject to the provisions of this section NO OTHER POLICE FORCE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE FEDERATION OR ANY PART THEREOF” (emphasis supplied by me). Consequently, the Sharia Police is an illegal organization and should be disbanded forthwith.
Compelling other members of the public to join in the Muslim fasting is against the right to freedom of religion, the spirit of our law and constitutional democracy. The propagators of this empty and dangerous threats on the members of the public should watch it as it might brew unimaginable religious  disaster.Festus Ogun is a Constitutional Law enthusiast and human rights activist. Contact him via: ; 09066324982



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Festus Ogun

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target=_blank>Chaos At Airports As Air Peace Postpones Multiple Kano-Related Flights Without Any Explanation To Passengers

The inadequate equipment by Nigerian airlines is having untold effect on air travellers in the country, as many of them are stranded nationwide.
In the past 48 hours, most of the airlines have either cancelled outright or delayed their flights without giving any major reason.
Some of the passengers who had hoped to depart an airport to the other could not do so as of the time of filing in this report, as their flights were delayed.
The major culprit in this act is Air Peace, which boasts of 67 aircraft in its fleet.
Some of the affected passengers from Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA), Kano, who were billed to depart for Lagos have had their flights postponed thrice in the past 12 hours.
The flight, which was originally designed to depart at 11am, was moved to 1pm, then to 2:05pm and finally to 7pm.
Speaking with SaharaReporters on Sunday, one of the affected passengers who simply identified herself as Mrs. Ibikunle lamented that she received the delay notice of the flight late.
She lamented that her flight out of Lagos to Kano on Saturday was equally shifted from the first flight of the morning to 9am without any apologies from the management of Air Peace. She explained that some of the passengers had arrived the airport before they got the information, stressing that no official of the airline in Kano was talking to them at the moment.
Apart from the Kano-Lagos flight affected by the shift, SaharaReporters also observed that Kano-Abuja, Abuja-Kano flights of Air Peace was also affected by the delayed departure and arrival.
The Kano-Abuja flight has also been postponed twice on Sunday by Air Peace. The flight was scheduled to depart Kano for Abuja at 10am, but the airline announced a three-hour delay, before announcing 4:30pm as fresh departure time, again.
Our correspondent observed that some of the affected passengers were loitering within the airport environment, even when they were unsure of their departure time.
“For instance, Kano-Lagos flight was changed from 11am to 1, to 2:05pm and now to 7pm by Air Peace. Apart from this, some of us going to Abuja from Kano are affected by the change in time of flight,” Ibikunle said.
“For instance, the Abuja-bound passengers who were supposed to depart at 10am, the flight has been delayed till 1pm and from 1pm to 4:30pm.
“Lagos-Kano on Saturday was supposed to be the first flight out of Lagos by Air Peace, but it was later changed to 9am. This has been the recent event by Air Peace and unfortunately, no one is challenging them.
“The Consumer Protection Directorate (CPD) of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) is not saying anything about it. No one to complain to. There is chaos everywhere. The way Air Peace is going was the way Arik Air started some years back and we all know where the airline is today. We need to change our attitude in this country.”




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SaharaReporters, New York

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target=_blank>Nigerian Stabbed To Death By Car Robbers In South Africa

Ben Okoli, President of Nigerian Citizens Association South Africa (NICASA), on Saturday announced the killing of yet another Nigerian, Okechukwu Henry, a native of Imo State, in South Africa.
Henry was stabbed to death by unknown South African robbers.Okoli said this in a letter to the Consul-General, Nigerian Consulate Johannesburg, South Africa.
“Tragedy has struck the Nigerian community again, just after 4pm on Friday, May 3. Mr Okechukwu Henry was stabbed to death by unknown local South African robbers,” he said.
”The late Henry, a car dealer who specialised in used cars, lived in Middleburg Mpumalanga Province. Earlier, before his death, two local guys had indicated interest in buying his car — a white VW polo.”They had negotiated the price and agreed to buy; late Henry had produced all necessary documents to seal the deal when suddenly the local buyers said they wanted to test-drive the car first before paying. As they drove out, he suddenly realised that they were robbers as they demanded for the key of the car.
”They attacked him and stabbed him several times; they took the keys but could not manage to drive away the car. Their action attracted the attention of people around and they ran away with the keys without the car.”
According to Okoli, Henry was rushed to hospital, but it appeared he had died at the scene. He added that a case of robbery and murder had been opened by the NICASA Provincial Chairman in Mpumalanga.”Your Excellency, the attack on Nigerians has reached an alarming level and demands something urgent to be done to stem this ugly tide. Our nationals are under attack in South Africa. We are under attack from every angle,” he said, calling on the Nigerian Mission to urgently intervene.
“We no longer feel safe, we have become like a trophy hunted by all. The Nigerian Citizens Association,  South Africa, is disheartened by the frequent repatriation of the remains of our dear citizens.”




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SaharaReporters, New York

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target=_blank>BREAKING: Buhari Departs London For Nigeria After London Medical Trip

President Muhammadu Buhari has departed London, United Kingdom, for Nigeria after his “private visit” that sources have confirmed was a medical trip.
His plane, a Boeing 737 Business Ajet with registration number 5N-FGT, left Standsted Airport in London at about 12:20pm.
On April 24, Buhari had left the country for London without handing over as constitutionally required to the Vice President.
The “private visit” was a day after the President visited Lagos to commission projects, including the 10-lane Oshodi–Murtala Muhammed International Airport Road, the 170-Bed ‘Ayinke House’ (Maternity Hospital)) at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja; the Oshodi Transport Interchange and 820 mass transit buses.
“Further to the official visit by President Muhammadu Buhari to Lagos Wednesday where he commissioned a number of projects executed by the State Government, the President is scheduled to depart for Maiduguri, the Borno State capital for another official visit Thursday,” Femi Adesina, his spokesman, had said.
“He is expected to commission developmental projects especially in the sectors of education, healthcare and roads. At the end of the visit, President Buhari will be proceeding to the United Kingdom on a private visit. He is expected to return to Nigeria on May 5, 2019.”
Presidency sources told SaharaReporters the trip was for medical reasons.




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SaharaReporters, New York

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target=_blank>Spoken Word: My Ramadan Plan By Hannatu Musawa

It’s that time of year again that I find to have so much meaning and beauty. Tomorrow, Monday 3th of May 2019, ushers in Ramadan 2019, the 9th month in the Islamic calendar (Hijri 1440). To me Ramadan is so much more than fasting from dusk till dawn or feasting during Iftar. Not only is it a time when I endeavor to increase my Taqwa/Iman, become more charitable and strengthen my knowledge of the Holy Qur’an, it is also a time that I become closer to Allah.
Many of us who celebrate Ramadan take journeys at this time of the year and this Ramadan I want to take a journey on how I can get the most benefit from the opportunity Ramadan affords me and I want to encourage anyone who wishes to come along on this journey in making this Ramadan one of great triumph and blessings.
In my Ramadan journey this year as always, I wish to, first and foremost, give top priority to knowing and understanding the true contents and message of the Qur’an.
The reward for reciting and completing the Qur’an is abundantly rewarding. Ibn ‘Abbas narrates, saying, “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) was the most generous person, and He would be at his most generous in Ramadan because Jibril would come to him every night and he would study the Qur’an with him. Additionally, Bukhari reports from Fatima that the Prophet (SAW) told her in the last year of his life, “Jibril used to revise the Qur’an with me once every year…” As part of my journey this Ramadan, I intend to complete reciting the Holy Quran.
1 PARA X 30 DAYS = 30 PARA

Furthermore, I wish to take a moment to reflect on which aspects of my life; my routine, attitude, personality or behavior I need to improve on and what my plans are for changing for the better and bringing myself closer to the Islamic standard.
An important part of this journey for me is to be as charitable as I can possibly be. When possible, every time I see people in anguish and poverty, every time my eyes fill with tears at the sight of senseless killings, blown up bodies, devastation and displacement of innocent people, I will open my purse and give charity. I will remember to forego some of my necessities in order to provide for those who are in more need than me. I will also opt not to spend money on frivolous things and luxuries so that those who are in more need than my family and I can be helped through my charity.
In sha Allah, in my journey, I will sleep early after praying Ishaa and Taraweeh and go to bed with a clear and conscious intention of fasting the next day. Then, I will get up well before Suhur time thanking Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala for giving me life and then I hope to make special Du’aa for the mercy of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala on our Ummah. From the start and right to the end of Ramadan, I will try not to sleep after Fajr, but instead study the Qur’an. In the last ten days of the Ramadan, I will go to bed with the intention of getting up early for Tahajjud prayers.
Throughout the day, for the duration of the Ramadan, I will find time to revise and re-learn the Surahs and Aayaat I already know. Once that is completed, I will try to learn one Aayah a day from a Surah that I may not already know.
Insha Allah, I will be extra kind, understanding, accepting, considerate and supportive to my non-Muslims friends and neighbors. I will listen to them, carry them along and find ways to have them participate in the blessings of Ramadan by sharing my food and gifts with them. I will counsel myself on my temperamental nature and strive to become calmer. I will try very hard to be forgiving to all those who have offended my family, my community and I. I will clear my heart from anger, suspicion and grudges. And I will do a lot of prayer on cooling down my fiery temper.
For the full duration of the Ramadan, I will kick at least one of my bad habits and make a special effort to speak only to add value and to say only what is meaningful and useful. When I do not have anything useful to talk about, I will remember Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala through the beautiful and peaceful words taught by the Rasul (SAW), while paying attention to their meanings and feeling the impact of the words in my heart, my mind, my thoughts and my attitude.
Ramadan is a spiritual cleansing month not only for the soul but also for the body. It is said in a Hadith that the Prophet (SAW) said we should leave 1/3 of our stomach for water, 1/3 for air, and 1/3 for food.
Therefore, this Ramadan, in addition to my spiritual journey, I will be going on a health and weight loss one as well. While I embrace Ramadan for its spiritual benefits and all the positives that it represents, it really is an excellent opportunity to shed some extra weight. It can be very tempting to devour anything and everything edible during Iftar, but the tendency of this is putting on more weight than one had to begin with and becoming unhealthier.
When we fast, we are already resetting our metabolism by the protracted, long overnight fast, as well as the daily fasting. Our metabolism resets and our body begins to change the way it operates. There is no need to consume excess food at Iftar, dinner or Suhoor, but we usually do. And when we do that, our body thinks it is in a state of famine and will store everything we eat as fat, because it is worried about food supply.
Furthermore, eating once a day scares our body and our body starts to shut down and slow down our metabolism. A diet that is less than a normal amount of food intake but balanced is sufficient enough to keep us healthy and active during the month of Ramadan.
I know for me personally, each Ramadan in the past, I have always had a tendency to over eat during Iftar. But this year, I want to be disciplined, eat healthy, eat slowly, and practice constraint by ensuring my diet consists of low fat food. Without a doubt restricting meals to low fat food for thirty days will make anyone loose weight, no matter how slow their metabolism is.
I know Ramadan is not about losing weight, but I would like to use this opportunity, to address my issue of gluttony and use control and constraint on what I eat.
However, while Ramadan is an excellent opportunity for overweight people to lose weight, please note that underweight or marginally normal weight people are discouraged from losing weight during Ramadan.
I also, Insha Allah, intend to dedicate my writing, articles and op-eds in the next four weeks of Ramadan fully to one subject, addressing an area that I wish to concentrate my prayer on. The 4-week series will be titled, ‘YA ALLAH, MY DU’A IS FOR…(FOLLOWED BY THE PARTICULAR SUBJECT TO BE COVERED IN THAT WEEK).”I am hoping that others will join me in my prayer and Du’a on this subject.
If, like me, you have decided to make this a meaningful and triumphant Ramadan by moving closer to Allah and identifying areas requiring improvement in your life, may Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala assist you and bless you for taking this step in your life.
If one can succeed this Ramadan in living as planned by the true tenants of the Quran, one will be able to look back and rejoice and feel inner joy and true happiness knowing that their Eid day will be the day of celebrating rewards from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’aala.
As we begin this journey for Ramadan 2019, I wish each and every person welcoming this Ramadan a blessed, fruitful, safe and peaceful month. Ramadan Kareem and Ramadan Mubarak!
Spoken Word Article Written byHannatu Musawa
I invite you to:Follow me on Twitter- @hanneymusawaSend me an e-mail-

Hannatu Musawa





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Hannatu Musawa

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Fashola Names One ‘Corrupt’ Power Sector Contractor

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) says Babatunde Fashola (SAN), Minister of Power, Works and Housing, has released documents from some of the ministry’s agencies providing some level of details regarding the names of contractors that allegedly collected money for electricity projects but failed to execute any projects.
The group also saiid Fashola inviting it to “inspect a compendium of verified and paid/outstanding liabilities of contractors, kept at the offices of the Nigeria Electricity Liability Management Limited/GTE”.
SERAP confirmed the development on Sunday in a statement by Kolawole Oluwadare, its Deputy Director.
The Ministry’s letter with reference number FMP/LU/R2K/2016/T/40 and signed on Fashola’s behalf by the Permanent Secretary (Power) Louis O.N. Edozien, was sent to SERAP last week. 
According to the letter, “Pow Technologies Limited, an Abuja based company, was in 2014 awarded a contract for the supply and installation of test and maintenance equipment relays, etc to various NAPTIN regional training centers (RTCs) (LOT15), with the total contract sum of N87,763,302.40, out of which N79,404,892.66 was paid to Pow Technologies Limited”.
Although the contract was awarded in 2014, only 13 of the 19 items have so far been supplied, with six items outstanding. 
The details of the six items that Pow Technologies Limited has allegedly failed to supply were not provided by the Ministry but the letter indicates some of the actions taken by the ministry to ensure “completion of the project, address criminal breach of contract and take remedial action”.
The ministry said that while the contractors undertook to take remedial action, they have failed to complete the project for which funds have been released.  The ministry pointed out that it submitted a petition to the Commissioner of Police, Abuja on 13th January 2016, and that the Police instituted a case for the prosecution of Messrs Pow at the Upper Area Court.
The ministry also said it has sought and received legal advice to pursue a civil action at the FCT High Court while a report of criminal breach of contract had been made to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
“We welcome Mr Fashola’s latest response and the information regarding Pow Technologies Limited, but we need details of names of other contractors that have collected public funds yet failed to execute power projects,” SERAP said.
“We will continue to push the ministry and its agencies to reveal more details of alleged corrupt contractors and companies, as contained in our FOI request. We will continue to pursue our FOI suit at the Federal High Court, Lagos, before Justice Chuka Austine Obiozor, a Professor of Law, who has granted an order for leave in the case.”
Fashola’s latest letter to SERAP reads in part: “I write with respect to the Ministry’s letter regarding details of alleged corrupt contractors and to forward the attached responses from some of the Ministry’s Agencies namely: National Bulk Electricity Trading Plc; National Power Training Institute of Nigeria and Nigeria Electricity Liability Management Limited/GTE for your information.”
It would be recalled that Fashola had earlier said in response to SERAP’s FOI request that “the Ministry has searched for the requested information on details of alleged contractors and companies that collected money for electricity projects and failed to executive any projects, but we could not find it from our records”. 
However, SERAP disagreed with the response, saying: “The public expectation is that government information, when in the hands of any public institutions and agencies, should be available to the public, as prescribed by the FOI Act. The FOI Act should always be used as an authority for disclosing information rather than withholding it.”
In a follow-up letter to SERAP dated March 4, Fashola had promised to “refer the request for details of alleged contractors and companies that collected money for electricity projects and failed to executive any projects to the Ministry’s agencies for necessary action and appropriate response”. 
“There may be instances of part-payment against certification of commensurate value for materials and services in achieved contract milestone even though the entire contract is not 100% performed,”  he added.
Fashola’s initial response followed SERAP’s FOI request and suit number FHC/L/CS/105/19 filed in February at the Federal High Court, Lagos. The suit is seeking “an order of mandamus directing and/or compelling Mr Fashola to provide specific details on the names and whereabouts of the contractors who collected public funds meant for electricity projects but disappeared with the money without executing any projects”.






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SaharaReporters, New York

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